We have discussed the different types of map displays available in ArcGis Pro (ArcGis Pro 1.0 Tutorial English: 4 – Cartographic Views) . We will look in more detail at each type of display, starting with the migration of an ArcMap document. We chose a complex document that uses a lot of ArcMap options: personal symbology, variable footprints, a template created with Production Mapping, a complex layout…
The document to be imported
The map represents the direction and speed of the current at a given moment of the tide.
The current symbols observe a very accurate formatting (size, length and thickness) and are associated with comments that also follow specific rules.
Since the scale of the canvas must correspond exactly to the coordinates displayed, instead of the standard Arc Map grid, a pattern has been created as entities with Production Mapping. All elements in the pattern are feature classes in a geodatabase. One of the layers represents the internal surface (map) of the pattern and serves to cut immediately the finishing layers (earth, isobaths) so that there is no superposition with the pattern.
Therefore we have an ArcMap document that has a data view and a layout. We will import it into ArcGis Pro and then we will have, obviously, a Map and a Layout.
The import
To import the document, we open ArcGis Pro by choosing a blank project, and we open the project panel (if it is not already open) by clicking on the tab VIEW ribbon and then the button PROJECT. To load the ArcMap document just right click on the Project Maps item and select IMPORT
Select the .mxd file of your document and click TO SELECT The document loads in the map window
At the same time, a new layout that corresponds to the layout of the ArcMap document has been added.
But, if the display in the map view corresponds to the data view of the ArcMap document, it is because the document was saved with this view active. If we had saved the Arcmap document with Active Layout, the view loaded into ArcGis Pro would have been the layout, not the map.
In both cases, both views are added to the project and remain linked as in ArcMap: any changes to the map will be reflected in the layout.
Layout window imported into ArcGis Pro
A detailed analysis of the result makes it possible to understand that all that concerns the symbology and the layout is perfectly observed during the migration of the document, except the cutting of the pattern layers.
Let’s see how the ArcMap document handles this function. The cutting is managed at the level of the data block, tab Block of data.
The GRD_ layer of the pattern corresponds to the inner extent of the pattern. It is defined as a cutting layer for the data block, and the layers corresponding to the pattern are defined as exceptions to the cut (Exclude layers) because they are immediately outside the GRD_ layer and would be hidden in the layout. In ArcGis Pro version 1.0 we find a similar window: Map Properties -> Extended Tab
You will notice the resemblance to the upper part of the ArcMap window, but, also, the absence of an exclusion option …
It will surely come in future versions, but for now we must work around the problem.
The best way is to actually cut layers that overflow. If at first glance it may seem a lot of work, you will see that it is quite fast and, above all, easy. We have two layers to cut, the earth layer and the isobath layer, which exceed the frame.
Go to the tab ANALYSIS of the ribbon and click on CUT
This opens the panel geoprocessing in the tool CUT
Fill in the layer you want to cut, the cutting layer, and name the newly created layer. Click EXECUTE . The new layer is created and added to the map. It is just necessary to reposition it to the same level of the source layer and disable it. The added bonus is that the symbology of the layer source is automatically applied to the new layer. The result on the map is as follows:
And on the layout:
Importing ArcMap documents takes place globally without any problem, except for the on-the-fly cutting of some layers. The use of the button CUT solves this problem simply and quickly.
All the definitions contained in the document are transferred to the two created views.
Warning! Definitions of preferred and editable layers are also transmitted. If you cannot edit a layer in ArcGis Pro, consider modifying this property.