We have discussed in the previous article ( ArcGis Pro 1.0 Tutorial English : 4.1 – migrate an ArcMap document) how to import an Arcmap document to ArcGis Pro. Here we will discuss how to create a map using a blank project.
First, start ArcGIS Pro and select BlankProject. Then, in the INSERTION tab, click on the button New Map

Now, you have an empty map on your cartographic view.
Define a base map
Before adding your own data, you can define the BACKGROUND.
A base map is a reference map that provides a framework on which you will superimpose your own data (the “operational layers”), the tasks and view the geographic information. These base maps provide context to your work.
A base map is constructed from several layers. Creating custom maps is conceptually identical to the creation of others maps, except that you can define reference and background layers. Reference layers will be drawn on top of your operational layers, while the background layers will be drawn below your operational layers.
Background maps are, technically, relatively static and are updated not very frequently.
Background maps can contain raster features, raster, or web layers. When you create a base map in a project, it can be used by others maps of the project as it is added automatically to the Maps gallery
The maps gallery To see the Mapsgallery, click the button Background map tab in the ribbon Map:

By default, you will have at your disposal a series of base maps from ArcGIS Online as well as the maps defined for your organization.

In a next article we will discuss the details of the different base maps available.
Note: The default extent of new maps and scenes is defined by the ArcGis Online settings of the organization account. If you are connected to ArcGIS Online while using ArcGIS Pro, a new map or scene will use automatically the extent defined for the organization. If you are not connected, the first layer added to the map or scene will define the scope for the local scenes and maps. The global scenes show, always, the whole earth.
How to create your own map
To create your own map background, in the ribbon select tab INSERT, expand the button New map and select Newmap background.

Charge the, or, layers you want to record in the background map (Map tab -> Add Data).
You can define two groups of layers: the reference layers that will appear above all the other layers of your maps, and the background layers that will appear as background in all your maps.
To define these two groups:
- position at the top of the display order all the reference layers ,
- select the lowest among them
- click the right button and select Define as reference layer
This layer and all those located above will be considered as reference layers . All other layers located below, will be considered as background layers.
How to add data
In our example, we have selected among the bottom layers of ArcGis Online the “Oceans and bathymetry” background.

You will observe that there are two layers: one reference layer with labels and a bottom layer with the raster image of the bathymetry.
To add data you will use, typically, the button Add data of the Map tab of the ribbon.
Add a file layer
We can add the current data from the previous section, by loading a file layer. In this case, the data is loaded with their associated symbology.

Click the button Modify thedatasource and select the new data source.

Add an entity class
Obviously, we can add an entity class and, later, assign the symbology.Map-tab>AddData then select an entity class.

In our example, we have to define a definition query to eliminate the ground points (current value 999) Therefore we open the layer contextual menu – >Properties->Definition set
Use the different buttons to build your SQL query

Once done, click OK and you will see the result

How to modify the symbology
To modify the symbol you have the standard options available of the layer context menu -> Symbology. This opens the Symbology panel.

By clicking the symbol you access to other symbols available . But if you want to recover an existing symbology in another layer , you must click the Menu button of the panel:

Then, select Import thesymbology. And a new panel is opened:

When you select the corresponding file layer , the fields used for the definition of the symbology are automatically added to the panel . Then, you can adjust the definition to your current entity class. Once you have clicked execute , the symbology is applied to your layer .