Dear friends of the marine community and GIS enthusiasts,
We’re delighted to present an exciting project aimed at improving the visualization of marine data in QGIS. Our goal is to make this information more accessible, understandable and aesthetically pleasing by working on importing S57 files into QGIS and developing a precise symbology for fire sectors, aligned with that of professional nautical charts.
Project description :
Importing S57 files with ogr2ogr: We’ll be using the power of ogr2ogr to import S57 files into QGIS, guaranteeing efficient and accurate integration of marine data, by ensuring the import of all necessary data types (lists, Z-values, etc.), as well as master/slave relationships, quality, etc.
Conversion to different formats: To meet the varied needs of users, we plan to convert imported data into several formats: shapefiles, geopackage and PostgreSQL. This will allow maximum flexibility in using the data in a variety of environments.
Setting up an “ENC database”: if the import is not limited to an ENC map, the import commands need to be adapted. We will consider both independent imports and imports into a single database containing all ENC cards. This second option implies the implementation of maintenance queries (management of empty tables, duplicates, etc.). We will provide Python scripts for Geopackage database management and Pl/Pgsql functions for Postgreql.
Creation of a precise symbology: Our team will be working on the creation of a symbology for the fire sectors, faithfully reproducing the 40.2 chart standard (although simplification to 40.1 is not a problem). This will guarantee a consistent and professional visual representation of the data in QGIS.

The result will be a .qml file containing the symbology and associated label formatting.
We’ll also set up a symbology for bathymetric soundings, taking into account quality metadata (M_QUAL) without going through the spatial join, limiting ourselves to the symbology and label tab.

The result will be a .qml file containing the symbology and associated label formatting.
Cost of work:
Carrying out this project requires a significant effort in terms of technical skills, time and resources. We estimate the total cost of the work at €2,000. This covers costs related to project implementation, data import management, format conversion, symbology and label creation, and quality testing.
How you can help :
We’re asking for your financial support to make this ambitious project a reality. Every contribution, no matter how small, will help us achieve our goal. You can make a donation using our secure PayPal or Stripe donation button .
Collaborative Financing goal :
Reaching our funding goal will enable us to devote the resources needed to complete the project on schedule. We will regularly update the community on the project’s progress, sharing results, screenshots and technical details.
Your support is crucial to making this project a reality. Together, we can significantly improve the way marine data is represented in QGIS and facilitate access to crucial information for mariners, researchers and marine mapping enthusiasts.
We sincerely thank you for your support and contribution to the realization of this exciting project.
Yours sincerely
The SIG et Territoires team