The History of Cartography Project is a research, editing and publication project that focuses international attention on the history of maps and cartography. The project considers maps as cultural artifacts created from prehistory to the 20th century. Its main work is the multi-volume History of Cartography series.
“The first volume of History of Cartography was published in 1987, and the three books that make up the second volume were published over the following eleven years. In 1987, the web didn’t exist and, since 1998, book publishing has undergone a revolution in the production and distribution of works. While the large format and high-quality image reproduction of printed books are still well suited to the demands of map publishing, the online availability of material is a boon for researchers and map enthusiasts alike.“

“On this site the University of Chicago Press is pleased to present the first five published volumes of the History of Cartography in PDF format. Navigate to the PDFs from the left-hand column. Each chapter of each book is a unique PDF. The search field on the left allows you to search the content of the PDFs that make up the eight books.“
The University of Chicago’s “History of Cartography” project is a research and publishing initiative dedicated to the in-depth study of the history and evolution of cartography through time. It aims to document and understand past cartographic practices, and their impact on the perception and representation of the world.
The project is internationally recognized and highly regarded in the field of cartographic history. It brings together researchers, specialists and students interested in the study of early maps and historical cartographers. The project offers publications, conferences, exhibitions and other resources to promote research and the dissemination of knowledge in the field of historical cartography.