The QGis Las Palmas 2.18 version is available to download .
Click to go to the download page of QGis project.

To check the ” novelties ” of this version, you can consult
the following ( “Visual changelogs”) by clicking here .
It is worth saying it right away, there are no major changes. The main changes are
regarding the geometry processing algorithms:
- the polygon fusion algorithm accepts, now, multiple input fields,
- the polygon cut algorithm was improved ,
- the lines fusion algorithm was rewritten ,
- we can position the labels on the contours of the polygons ,
- etc …
And above all, for those who have to work with dxf sources , a new
import interface ( even if I have not discovered , for the time being, a change).
What rests to be remembered is that this version is the last of the line
The next version will be version 3.0 with two major changes : the
integration of Python 3.0 and QT5.
It’s difficult, since I am not part of the QGis project, getting safe
information on topics around version 2.18
It is my humble opinion, that there will be no official documentation
regarding 2.18
For some time, the QGis project team has been producing just the
documentation for LTR type versions. The 2.18 was not catalogued as LTR, therefore
one can assume that the latest version of the documentation for lineage 2.X
will be the documentation of Version 2.14.
By cons the blur period will be a little longer for plugins because they
have to be reviewed and corrected to return in the Python 3.0 model …